
OHIO 研究人员 are tracking the reasons why many stunt performers are reluctant to report head trauma, 寻找解决问题的方法

萨曼莎·佩勒姆| 2024年5月9日


在你最喜欢的大片中惊心动魄的动作场面, it's not always the A-list actor taking the risks but the unsung heroes—stunt performers—who bring those breathtaking moments to life. 然而, behind the glamour lies a grim reality: the reluctance of these daredevils to report head trauma, 担心这会危及他们的职业生涯.

在最近上映的大片中, “堕落的人”,” audiences get a behind-the-scenes look at what stunt professionals go through to create those most thrilling moments, 尽管这部电影颂扬了这些熟练的专业人士, 它没有强调特技对他们健康的影响.

bet8九州登录入口的研究人员 Dr. 杰弗里·罗素Dr. 伊丽莎白贝弗利 have delved into this issue through a new qualitative study published in the 职业医学杂志 & 毒理学。” 放大那些经常被忽视的特技演员的声音. 他们的研究发表在一篇论文的后续 之前的研究, shines a light on the challenges stunt professionals face regarding self-reporting of head injuries 和 the potential long-term consequences for their health 和 livelihoods.

“This qualitative study allows for stunt performers to describe in their own words about their experiences with head injuries, how they are managed 和 how the industry can improve upon ensuring stunt performers’ health 和 wellness into their future,“拉塞尔, 健康科学与专业学院副教授, 说. 


Dr. Jeff Russell (left) trains students on how to h和le an emergency in the performing arts.


The study was co-authored by Canadian stunt performers 和 provides an invaluable platform for members of their profession to share their experiences anonymously. It exposes a pervasive fear among performers that reporting injuries could result in them being sidelined or labeled a liability, 从而威胁到他们未来的就业前景.

“许多特技演员不敢报告他们的受伤情况, 尤其是头部创伤, 他们担心自己会被列入禁止雇佣名单,或者被视为累赘,拉塞尔解释道. “受伤或创伤越多,找工作就越困难. But that should not be how it is; production companies 和 their unions should be ensuring stunt performers are taken care of 和 not reprim和ed for any injuries sustained on the job.”

莱斯利·麦克, 特技协调员, 特技演员,也是这项研究的合著者, 提供第一手的见解所面临的挑战,特技专业人士. 从她的经历中, she stresses the need for proactive measures to both prevent head injuries 和 address them when they occur.

“在我做特技演员的头十年里, I noticed there were certain people that had some behavioral issues 和 learned that many of them had repeated head trauma where they didn’t have the proper safety when doing stunts like car crashes,“麦克, 谁在《bet8九州登录入口》等电影中做过特技,”“最后的目的地,和《bet8网页登录》,”. “尤其是在过去, safety wasn’t at the forefront so there are several older stunt performers I’ve met or heard of where aging has been more difficult for them cognitively because of injuries they sustained while performing stunts. 当我越来越多地看到这种情况时, I knew it was a real problem in our industry 和 that this population doesn’t often seek medical help out of fear of being unemployed.”


McMichael on the set of the 1997 TV series "Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation" as Venus De Milo.


McMichael with Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger on the set of the 2002 movie "Freddy vs Jason."


据贝弗利说, 谁协助分析定性数据, this study emphasizes the significance of underst和ing the emotional 和 psychological toll of health conditions on individuals.

“The power of qualitative research is it gives participants a voice to express what matters to them 和 why,“贝弗利, 骨科传统基金会Ralph S. Licklider, D.O. Endowed Professor in Behavioral Diabetes in the 传统骨科医学院, 说. “在医疗保健领域经常如此, we think about quantitative outcomes because it is often easier to underst和 a numerical value. 我们忘记或没有问的是健康状况给人们带来的感受. 我们的感觉经常支配我们的思想和行为. Overall, this can improve communication, treatment engagement 和 clinical outcomes.”

虽然这一定性研究并没有提供数值证据, it provides something more - an official record from stunt performers themselves, 不是轶事或道听途说. This type of research can be taken to studios 和 unions to use as resources for advocating for improvements in this area.

“We have observed the negative outcomes of head trauma in football 和 other sports 和 changes have been made in the last five years to prevent 和 reduce the number of those concussions,贝弗利解释道. “My hope is that the film industry draws parallels 和 sees this as an opportunity to intervene 和 make changes. 特技演员是娱乐业不可或缺的一部分, 他们应该在一个安全的环境中工作.”

The findings from the study also identify a clear need to improve the quality of the work environment in their industry.

作为表演者, McMichael performs stunts that range from martial arts to driving sequences, 用火工作, 高跌落和更多, 然而注意到,由于工作的性质, 即使有人受伤了, 为了工作,他们将继续忍受痛苦.


麦克迈克尔正在参加一场武术比赛. 她最初是通过武术工作进入特技表演的.


“不幸的是, with head trauma there is not a lot of physical proof to tell your union or studio about or to bring to your insurance company to ensure you can be taken care of. People want to work in this industry 和 to make a livelihood requires a stunt performer to be on set, continuously putting themselves through potentially dangerous stunts when they really should be resting 和 taking care of their bodies 和 brains. 然而,这并不能支付账单.”

Both McMichael 和 Russell’s pioneering work has laid the groundwork for advancing research in this critical area 和 their advocacy is working to foster a culture of safety 和 support within the industry, 确保特技演员的健康仍然是头等大事.

“It’s cool to be involved in something where I can help 和 potentially give back to the people I’ve been working with for a long time,“麦克, 他也有博士学位.D. 他补充道.

Russell has also established an international task force made up of stunt performers, 研究人员, 和 healthcare professionals from across the globe to help aid in the advocacy for stunt performers’ health.  

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